808 Open Studio

Role: Lead Designer

Team: Farinaz Valamanesh, Arjun Kumar, Huishi Li and Gracie Shanks

Each fall, Boston University MFA Graphic Design students open their studios to the public. People immerse themselves in a night of art, collaboration, and diversity by MFA Graphic Design candidates in the School of Visual Arts. Though I was the 2nd year grad point person for the branding and installation team, I also collaborated with wayfinding, marketing, and setup/breakdown team to make our open studio a success. This project’s credit goes to all grad students.

808 Open Studio

Typeface: wavehaus Collaborators: Farinaz Valamanesh, Arjun Kumar, Huishi Li and Gracie Shanks

Each fall, Boston University MFA Graphic Design students open their studios to the public. People immerse themselves in a night of art, collaboration, and diversity by MFA Graphic Design candidates in the School of Visual Arts. Though I was the 2nd year grad point person for the branding and installation team, I also collaborated with wayfinding, marketing, and setup/breakdown team to make our open studio a success. This project’s credit goes to all grad students.

This year the event’s theme was “International Design,” which celebrates student’s background, culture, and history. Our studio has students from Taiwan, Mexico, India, Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabi, China, the US, and various other countries. Our culture and experiences have a strong influence on our design style, and we wanted to celebrate this diversity at our Open Studio.


The main logo was simple and minimal, showcasing the name of our building, i.e., 808. This 808 is our studio and our creative workspace, where we all work and collaborate on different projects.


The typeface is Wavehaus Sans, which is a Geometric Sans Serif typeface family with six weights. We choose this clean, simple, and geometric typeface to balance our complicated and colorful student’s design.


To complement our theme, we asked all the students to write 808 in their language and an illustration style representing your background. They were then created into flyers that were then posted all around the city.


We made screen-printed invitation cards to personally invite professors and other faculty members from different schools at Boston University.


Using the 808s designed by everyone, I created the main poster for the open studio showcasing our diversity in culture and design.


We made some screen-printed bookmarks for people to take away.


Collaborators: Ana Karina Benfield, Xiwen Xu, Xiqiao Chen, Ashwini Patil, and Michael Rosenberg.

As our 808 building is under construction, the Way Finding had an important task to guide people from the entrance to our studio on the 4th floor. Vinyl was used on the wall and floor as a smart way to show the path.


We are setting up a room for displaying student’s work. Each student provides one to two designs, including poster, publication, and installation.